October 2017 -
Radix had the pleasure of debuting our performance "Blikkbox" at the dance festival Time for Dance on Saturday 30th of September 2017 in Porsgrunn. The festival is organized by Dansekunst in Grenland and lasted 4 days.
"Blikkbox" is an artistic piece about putting people in boxes by stereotyping or judging them. A message we feel is important to convey. I had the role of project leader, co-choreographer and dancer in this performance.
It only takes a single glance to put someone in a box. Whether it's an urge for system or prejudice, consciously or unconsciously, it creates barriers and borders between people. These limits make us more obsessed and cynical. Can we than be ourselves completely without fear of being placed in a similar box that we so easily give others? And how does this mindset affect our body language?
The hip hop environment is known for being a very inclusive environment that sees people for people and encourages individualism. They do not put people in boxes but create one big community where everyone can feel welcome. This attitude towards people is an attitude we want to spread, and because of that wish, the performance came to be.

"Blikkbox" performances
09.17 Tid for Dans at Ælvespeilet in Porsgrunn
10.17 Tid for Dans at Viljehuset in Vinje
02.18 Dansekunst for Barn at Ælvespeilet in Porsgrunn
On both arrangements we had a workshop in forfront of the performance for kids and youths in the local community.