September 2018
On Saturday the 22nd of September, Radix Dance Crew performed at Vin&Valsen, organized by Dansekollektivet, at Røverstaden by the National Theater.
Dansekollektivet is a voluntary organization that works with public development and to promote professional dance and performing arts through various events. One of these events is called Vin&Valsen, and is intended and organized so that the performing arts meets the audience in an untraditional and everyday way.

Radix showed a work-in-progress piece called "Infected" this Saturday.
The piece investigates the body's natural reaction to an unforeseen, internal attack and questions related to the physical, as well as the mental state thereafter. How would the body fight back, how long are you in control of your movements, and what happens when you no longer have control?
This piece is a further development of our Pesta- performance at the dance festival in Macau. We moved the base of the piece from the commercial platform, and put a more researching and experimental focus on the work. This prosess has been very exciting and we look forward to continuing our work with the piece!
Photography by Maja Brenna Photography