Dialogue Stage
March 2017
During this year's Dialogue Stage, organized by Dansekunst in Grenland, the Radix dancers Silje Olava, Vy and Hanna participated and showed a work-in-progress piece called "Blikkbox". After the showing from several dance artists in addition to our own, dialogue was held between both the performers, the organizers and the audience. Here you could give feedbacks and brainstorm over the impressions from the various showcasings performed, which the artists then could use in further work with the piece. Radix received many good and useful feedbacks on "Blikkbox" and were even more inspired to make a longer performance based on what they showed here today.
In addition to the Dialogue Stage arena, the organizers also arranged a workshop for the participants as well as the municipality's young dancers. The workshop was themed modern dance and partner work and was held by the talented duo Vebjørn Sundby & Guro Nagelhus Schia,.