Feast Your Eyes
juli 2017
"Feast Your Eyes" was my first production as a producer and took place in Kampala, Uganda, in the summer of 2017. The project was a collaboration project between Norwegian and Ugandan dancers chosen after auditions held by myself and Assistant Choreographer Shirley A. Langhelle, Tabanka Dance Emsemble.
The performance itself was the end result of a 2 week intensive project periode, showing a fusion between the dance styles afro house, experimental hip hop, breakdance, contemporary and african dance.
Project Manager, Coordinator and Artistic Director: Silje Olava Bakken
Assistant Director: Shirley A.Langhelle
Assistant Manager and Coordinator: Ivan Bisiwo and Matovu Edrine
Shirley A. Langhelle, Michael Kaddu, Pirimo Hamza, Sarah Njyogende Zawedde, Walugembe Isaac Milky, Lydia Mijumbi, Twino Ivan, Bogere Ronnie Zivamuntuuyo, Abott Hamans Mpadire, Andrew Joel Amanyire, Ssenyonga Oscar Acogny and Silje Olava Bakken
Sembatya Edward, Ssemaganda Gerald and Matovu Edrine
In addition to the main project, Shirley and I organized workshops for three different organizations / groups in Kampala. These three groups also participated in the show:
Peace Africa Childrens Emsemble performed with an African choreography by Shirley.
Breakfast Project Uganda performed with an old school hip hop choreography of me.
The talent group, established after the audition and consisting of young promising dance talents, featured with a dancehall choreography by Shirley.
Big thanks to all the groups for good cooperation and a great performance during the show!
Below you can see a slideshow from both the preparations and the performance.
Umarked: Ivan Bisiwo
Studio25 Photography: Khasim Ndiwalana
@hamiszzy: Hamis Zzy