Fiddler on the Roof
April 2014
Operaverket Buskerud AS and Drammen Operakor, in collaboration with Buskerud Theater, presented "Fiddler on the Roof" with local stars and off course the opera choir.
Directing by Adam Levine, musical leader was Petter Anthon Næss and responsible for the choir was Marit Sehl.

In this performance I got the chance to show off some of my more masculine sides as I was playing a man....
..and a very handsome man also if I might say!
The Fiddler on the Roof is the musical that has everything. Most of the melodies have been "evergreens" such as "If I was a rich man" or "Matchmaker". A lush public life depiction from Russia's tsartide is the frame of a gripping story - for both laughter and joy, grief and horror. Despite the gloomy theme - the Jewish persecution - Fiddler on the Roof is a life-honorable, humane and warm hearted show.